Lock Picking 101: Understanding the Basics from a Skilled Locksmith

26.10.2023 | Статті

Well, fear not! Lockpicking is a valuable urban survival skill that anyone can learn, and it has many legitimate legal uses. In this guide, we’ll break down the basics of lockpicking and give you a better understanding of how it all works. So grab your picks and let’s get started!

An Introduction to Bypassing Locks in Life-Threatening Situations

Lockpicking is not just a skill reserved for criminals and hackers. In fact, understanding the basics of lockpicking can be one of the most valuable survival skills in an urban setting. Whether you find yourself locked out of your home during an emergency or need to gain access to a life-saving supply room during a disaster, knowing how to bypass locks can make all the difference.

As a skilled locksmith, I have seen firsthand the importance of lockpicking in life-threatening situations. It is a skill that can save lives and provide access to essential resources when traditional methods fail.

So why should you learn about lockpicking? From helping a friend or neighbor who has locked themselves out of their car to preventing property damage during a lockout situation, knowing how to bypass locks can be incredibly useful in everyday scenarios.

Pin Tumbler Lock Anatomy

One of the most common types of locks that you may encounter in your daily life is the pin tumbler lock. They are used in residential doors, commercial buildings, and even padlocks. Understanding how these locks work will give you a better understanding of how to bypass them.

A pin tumbler lock consists of two main parts – the plug and the housing.

The plug is the part that rotates when you insert a key, while the housing holds all of the pins and springs. When you insert a key into a pin tumbler lock, the grooves on the key push up against each pin at different heights. If the key is cut correctly, it will align all of the pins at their shear line, allowing the plug to rotate and unlock the lock.

The Concept of Lockpicking

Lockpicking is the art of manipulating a lock to bypass its mechanism and unlock it without using a key. It requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and practice. As we enter InstaMobile Locksmith, They spent years perfecting my craft and understanding the intricacies of different types of locks.

There are various techniques and tools used in lockpicking, but the basic concept is the same – manipulating the pins in a lock to align them at their shear line and allowing for the plug to rotate freely. This can be done using tools such as:

  • Lockpicks – thin, needle-like tools used to manually manipulate the pins.

  • Tension wrenches – tools used to apply rotational pressure on the plug while picking.

  • Household items like paperclips or bobby pins can also be used in a pinch.

Lock Tolerances & Binding Order

Lock tolerances refer to the minute variations in the size and shape of the pins that comprise a lock’s intricate mechanism. These variations can be imperceptible to the naked eye, but they play a crucial role in determining the level of difficulty in manipulating the lock. Each pin is meticulously crafted with its own unique size and shape, necessitating the use of different techniques and specialized tools to overcome the challenges presented by each individual pin.

The binding order refers to the specific sequence in which the pins must be manipulated in order to align them perfectly at the shear line. This delicate process requires a deft touch and precise movements, akin to a skilled artist creating a masterpiece. The lockpicker must possess a keen sense of touch and an intuitive understanding of the lock’s inner workings to successfully navigate this intricate dance of pins and springs.


There are various tools that can be used in lockpicking, each with its own unique purpose and function. Some of the most important tools for a lockpicker include:

  1. Lockpicks – these thin, needle-like instruments come in a variety of shapes and sizes to manipulate different types of pins within a lock.

  2. Tension wrenches – also known as torque wrenches, these tools are used to apply rotational pressure on the plug while picking.

  3. Rakes – these tools can be used to quickly bounce multiple pins up and down in a lock, allowing for faster manipulation and opening.

  4. Plug spinners – used to rotate the plug of a lock without using a key, this tool is helpful in situations where the keyway is blocked or inaccessible.

  5. Auto jiggers – this automated tool uses electricity to manipulate the pins in a lock, allowing for faster and more efficient picking. However, it requires a higher level of skill to use effectively and can be expensive.

From these essential tools, a skilled lockpicker may also utilize other specialized tools such as plug followers, key extractors, and bypass tools to overcome more advanced locking mechanisms. With practice and experience, a lockpicker can build a collection of tools suited to their individual needs and preferences.


While basic pin tumbler locks can be picked using manual manipulation of the pins, there are also other techniques that can be used to bypass them. Some of these techniques include:

  1. Lock bumping – a method that uses a special key called a bump key to manipulate the pins in a lock through forceful impact.

  2. Impressioning – a process of creating a working key by making impressions in a blank key using specialized tools and techniques.

  3. Decoding – the use of specialized tools to determine the internal workings of a lock, allowing for more precise manipulation of the pins.

While these techniques may require more skill and experience to master, they can be incredibly useful for more challenging locks and can open up a whole new world of possibilities for the skilled lockpicker.


Lockpicking is a valuable and versatile skill that can have many practical applications in everyday life. From emergency situations to helping friends or neighbors, knowing how to bypass locks can make all the difference. With an understanding of lock anatomy, the concept of lockpicking, and the use of tools and techniques, anyone can learn this useful skill.

However, it is important to remember to use this skill responsibly and ethically. As we promote conservation and responsible tourism, let us also practice responsible lockpicking. So go ahead, learn the basics of lockpicking, and add another valuable tool to your urban survival arsenal! Remember – with great power comes great responsibility.